Person practicing Candle Gazing for eye health and mental clarity, a traditional Ayurvedic technique known to enhance concentration, reduce eye strain, and calm the mind.

Candle Gazing Ayurveda benefits

Are you spending too many hours on your PC or smartphone? You may be dealing with eye strain and mental fatigue. An effective and soothing remedy to combat these issues is Candle Gazing Ayurveda benefits, a practice rooted in Ayurveda. This simple yet powerful technique offers a natural way to calm the mind, relieve eye fatigue, and enhance concentration. According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Candle Gazing is known to “cure diseases of the eyes and remove tiredness.” It also improves focus, making it an excellent practice for children and teenagers.

If you often meditate, Candle Gazing is a perfect preparation for deeper meditation sessions. By focusing on a candle flame, you can clear your mind and prepare yourself for mindfulness. Here’s how you can practice Candle Gazing:

1) Set Up the Space

To begin, light a candle or oil lamp and place it on a stable, low table at eye level. Sit comfortably on the floor in a meditation posture, such as Easy Pose, and position yourself about six feet away from the flame. Ensure your back is straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your face at ease.

2) Gaze at the Flame

The goal is to gaze at the flame without blinking for as long as you can. Start with 30 to 60 seconds, gradually increasing your gaze time as you build comfort. With practice, you’ll be able to maintain steady focus for up to three minutes. This exercise will not only help with eye relaxation but also strengthen your internal resilience and concentration.

3) Maintain Focus

While gazing at the flame, your eyes may water, or you might experience slight visual distortions. This is perfectly normal and should not cause panic. Keep your mind steady and resist the urge to blink. Once you’ve completed the desired time, gently close your eyes.

4) Observe the After-Image

After closing your eyes, an after-image of the flame may appear in your mind’s eye. Focus on this image as a focal point for meditative thought. When the image fades, you can begin another round of Candle Gazing if you wish.

5) Complete the Practice

Ayurveda suggests completing three rounds of Candle Gazing. After the third round, rub your hands together vigorously to generate warmth. Then, gently cover your eyes with your palms to allow them to relax in the soothing darkness.

Candle Gazing offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you can experience relief from eye strain, sharpen your focus, and prepare your mind for meditation.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Ayurvedic Meditation Techniques – Learn more about Ayurvedic meditation techniques to enhance your practice.

Mindfulness and Meditation for Eye Health – Explore the health benefits of mindfulness and meditation for eye health.

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